
Monday, February 12, 2007


I dont know why it is but every time I sit at the computer, I get this overwhelming sensation of exhaustion, and I dont know why it only happens to me when I need to get work done. I can mess around all day surfing the internet, checking e-mail and staying stuck on myspace, but when I decide to start doing work, like I am supposed to, I just get really tired. I think it is because I am using the excuse of my life and all the shtuff that I have been going through within the last few months and I just don't feel like the Criminal Justice field is not my true passion? I mean it was fun my first quarter, learning criminal justice, but now it seems like I am not learning anything new. maybe that is why I am not as enthused about doing the work. its not my true passion, maybe???

I just wish that I had more of a motivator than just money, because if it is just about money, my true passion will never see the lights of day, and I will die alone and feeling unfulfilled...

I think I need to really explore my passion for life and where do I want to take it?


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