
Friday, February 23, 2007

It could be worse...

So I promised that I would keep you all in touch when possible. So here I am in a homeless shelter and trying to keep my head on straight, it is not the first time I have ever been homeless, but I dont like it that the only person here who I can trust is my mom. Not that its bad to be able to trust my mom but for that to be the only one who truly has my back in this whole situation, is just unbelievable to me.

Like I mentioned previously I have been homeless in the past in a different county, and that was with my dad, and it was completely different.mainly because of the diference in defense mechanisms, my dad made sure I was alright as well and made sure we weere alright, as my mom is, but my dad is/was slightly more used to being homeless to where this is my moms first time being homeless and she is showing me that if I weren't here with her, I dont think she would keep her head on right.

I do feel slightly back into being homeless while realising that it is only temporary and we will only be here for about a month or so.and for me it isnt as bad as it could be. we could be without a.)a vehicle b.) money or c.) a roof over our head and plenty of resources to utilize.

Like I said "it COULD be a lot worse." So for now, this is Bryan "Bz" SIGNING OUT

I might be back later... But I will definitely be staying in contact with this as a journal for my sanity, and maybe even sometimes, I might be able to entertain you a lil bit.


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